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Jim Gandolf grew up in the great State of Indiana. His life was consumed of news about the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Jim Gandolf has worked as a tour guide privatly at IMS for many corporate clients. Jim Gandolf has found sponsorships for Indy race teams. Jim Gandolf's passion about motorsports is so exciting for many of his friends and clients. Jim Gandolf has interviewed many retired drivers, back when these drivers really had no safety to speak of. What is inside of these drivers whose minds are very strong in what they feel that they were safe for their time? Some of these drivers drove fuel bombs in reality. I wrote a fictional story of three former drivers that passed away at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in very traumatic crashes. These drivers come back later in time as a guardian angels to a young man growing up in Indiana. This young man becomes a race car driver. The time frame is the most powerful time in Indy Car racing. 



Jim Gandolf

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Gandolf Holdings, Inc.

Jim Gandolf is the Author of:

500 Miles the Book

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